Who is in your 215?
Dunbar's Number is a theory that postulates the ideal number of people in a society. He stated that the ideal society is around 215. There are many factors that might influence this including resources, space, customs. making sure every has what they need in large part impacts the success or failure of a society or at least segments of the society. Other theories state that there will always be people in need and starving its just a decision as to whether it is me or him (sound familiar). This refers to a theory of finite materials, provisions, or goods. Whether you ascribe to any or all these theories. Most of us live in communities larger than the 215 Dunbar might put forth as the ideal. I am going to take a moment to disagree. I would say that we all live in small communities within the larger village, town, or city. Whether you live in a city of millions or a town of a few thousand you don't come in contact with all those people on a daily basis. I believe that we most likely all live in communities of about 215. A portion of those people you know very well, your spouse, kids, friends, neighbors. These are your core supports and you rely on them as they also rely on you. Outside of that circle is a slightly larger one these are people you see everyday, but have less of a relationship with. These might be coworkers, people you "know" from church, etc. These are people you are acquainted with, but don't know that well. Your reliance on them is even less. The circles continue. There are people you see everyday, but you may not know their name. The mailman, runners, bikers, people you sit in traffic with etc. These are people who are on your same schedule and you see them often. You may say hello exchange a few words but you don't know them. They have the same limited relationship with you. They may refer to you as "decaf nonfat latte guy" (because that is what you order each day). My question for you is "who is in your 215"? All of these people and more. We live parallel lives with people and although we don't know them their successes and failures impact our lives each and every day, but because we don't see them as a critical cog in the working of our everyday we pay them little mind. Some of those in our 215 we choose, some are coincidence and others choose us without our even knowing it. My challenge to you is to learn about "your" community. Get to know your 215. Here at HOPE we are often working with those who have been marginalized, they have been forced to the outside of people's (maybe your) inner circle. They may be the mom who works two jobs and takes care of 3 kids while going to school. You may only know her as the rude lady at Dunkin' Donuts, but if you took some time maybe you could understand why. HOPE may be working with a child who we understand is dealing with a parent in jail and another actively using drugs. You may only see that child as the trouble maker in your child's class. These people are existing within your community and they live "silent" lives. We only see them in the periphery, but they are there. All the change makers in our world worked with those no else saw or those society was trying to ignore. Pay attention to those in your life who live on the outskirts. All of these people are part of your 215 and getting involved might change their lives...it might also change yours.
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